Rooftop Helipads
The whole complex of services from concept to commissioning from 600 000 $.
Ask a questionWe tell you about implementing rooftop helipads, using the example of our company's 2019 roof helipad at the specialized fire and rescue unit of the Federal State Fire Service's 2nd Fire and Rescue Unit in a South Region of Russia.
The work was done in conjunction with the general designer of the building.
We have developed the following solutions as part of the documentation under development:
In order to coordinate our solutions with the solutions of the whole building, we have issued tasks for structural solutions, engineering systems of the building, for the location of the necessary technological rooms and for the development of the related documentation sections.
We sent the project documentation to expertiza, where we received an approval of our decisions and a positive conclusion of the expertise.
It should be noted that for helipads, it is possible to obtain a positive conclusion from both state and non-state expertise.
As part of the works, we detailed design solutions, generated the final bills of quantities and prepared procurement specifications for materials and equipment.
The permit for the construction of the helipad was obtained in conjunction with the permit for the construction of the entire building.
As part of the work, a delivery was made:
Delivery of technological equipment takes about 3 months, that is why equipment production was launched at the zero cycle of construction. Under this condition, by the time the work on the roof helipad could be carried out, there was no delay in carrying out the work.
To shorten the construction period until the delivery of the process equipment, we installed all the utility lines.
After delivery and installation of equipment, a complex of pre-commissioning and acceptance tests were carried out.
As part of the works:
In accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 18 January 2005 and the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 297 of 20 October 2014:
In compliance with the requirements of the Order No.449 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 05 November 2020:
In accordance with the requirements of the Government Decree No.2090 of 29 November 2021:
In accordance with the requirements of Order of the Federal Agency for Air Transport No. 260-P of 04 March 2020
As a final step, a notification was sent to the Interregional Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for Air Transport to commence operations at the landing site and the facility was put into operation.